FBLA Members Raise $175

Savannah Middle School's FBLA Chapter wanted to give back to their community. FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America and is helping students become leaders in their community through education, service and progress. Students build confidence and leaderships skills within a variety of activities FBLA provides. FBLA members Corey Bundy and Jude Meyers, both 8th graders, lead the community service event for their chapter and discovered our local Caring Closet needed assistance.

The middle school's cupboard, known as the Caring Closet, has been helping students in our community and their families for years. "The cupboard is funded entirely by donations." said Anita Yost, the Caring Closet's Volunteer Director. With local support the Closet is able to feed local students and their families in need throughout the year.

Our SMS FBLA Chapter took on the challenge to raise money to help support the Caring Closet. Corey and Jude wanted to get their whole school involved to have the greatest impact. A fun pie in the face competition helped the chapter raise $175. Multiple students and teachers volunteered to be pied if their jar raised the most money as well as many FBLA members volunteered their time to get the competition up and running. The fierce competition lasted 2 weeks and before students went into Spring Break, they witnessed their favorite teachers and students get pied.

We are excited to say the money raised will help the Caring Closet support 9 families with food. FBLA will continue to support our local students and families in the coming years by fundraising for the Caring Closet.

students getting pied