Math Game of the Day


Equipment:  Paper to keep a tally of wins

How to Play: 

*The goal of this game is to be the first person to say 21.

*Players count out loud to 21, alternating numbers.

*Players take turns to say 1, 2, or 3 numbers in order.

*Keep a tally of who wins the games if you wish.

*Discuss winning strategies.  What works and what doesn't?


Try making a higher target number, e.g. 30.

In the example below , Player B wins:

Player A:  1, 2

Player B:  3, 4, 5

Player A:  6, 7

Player B:  8, 9, 10

Player A:  11

Player B:  12, 13, 14

Player A:  15, 16

Player B:  17

Player A:  18, 19, 20

Player B:  21