If we have learned anything during this pandemic, it’s that sometimes best-laid plans need a second, third, or even fourth revision. As we learn more about the effects of positive COVID cases and mitigation necessary to slow the spread of the virus, we realize it’s time to go back to the drawing board with our High School in-person learning plans. This new plan will lessen the number of students affected by a single positive COVID case and more importantly, it will allow for more consistency for our students and our educators. Please note that this change will only affect Savannah High School. We have no plans to change elementary or middle school students to this updated learning model.
In response to the number of quarantined students and the absence issues that resulted, Savannah High School will transition to a Fixed-Blended Education Model starting on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. This Fixed-Blended Education Model will continue through the first semester and will be re-evaluated at the end of the semester. Plans for the second semester will be shared with families prior to January 6, 2021. Classes will not be in session at SHS on Monday, October 5th, or Tuesday, October 6th in preparation for this transition. All other campuses will still be in session.
A Fixed-Blended Education Model means that students will attend school in-person two days a week and online three days a week based on the following schedule:
Group A (last names A-K, approx. 291 students)
- will be In-Person Learning on Monday and Thursday
- will be Distance Learning on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
- click here for the Group A schedule
Group B (last names L-Z, approx. 282 students)
- will be In-Person Learning on Tuesday and Friday
- will be Distance Learning on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- click here for the Group B schedule