Savannah High School Semester Final Information
- Grades lower than a C- (70%) for the semester are on a class by class determination.
- Students will be notified by individual teachers on December 16th.
- Students who have an attendance percentage lower than 95% will be notified by the office on December 16th.
- Students only required to take 1.5 weighted class finals will only need to report for those hour.
- Students that are not required to take finals are not required to attend school during Decemer 19th and 20th. These days WILL NOT impact their cumulative attendance percentage.
- Students required to take finals due to a grade lower than a 70%, but meet attendance and discipline requirements to opt-out, may only report to those required finals.
- Students that are bus riders that are not required to take ALL finals, but do not have other mode of transportation, will still attend all classes that day. Buses will run normal routes.
- We will run a block schedule on December 19th and 20th. All students and staff will have lunchfrom 10:55-11:27. Students may NOT sign out for lunch. Students may not leave until the testing block is over.
- Hillyard students will report to SHS on Monday 12/19 if they are required to complete a finals Hillyard and SJSD will not be in session on 12/19 and 12/20, they will return to classes onJanuary 3rd. A bus will be provided for January 3 & 4th but will not be required if students choose to drive. Classes at SHS will resume on January 5th.
We will run a block schedule on December 19th & 20th during Finals Testing. Blocks are brokendown by a morning session (12/19) and an afternoon session (12/20).
Monday December 19th | Class Time | Tuesday December 20th |
Hour 1 | 7:35 - 9:10 | Hour 5 |
Hour 2 | 9:15 -1 0:50 | Hour 6 |
Lunch | 10:55 - 11:27 | Lunch |
Hour 3 | 11:32 - 1:07 | Hour 7 |
Hour 4 | 1:12 -2:48 | Hour 8 |
Savannah High School Semester Final Information
Savannah R-III High School Final Exam Regulations
- Final Exams will be administered in all subject areas unless an exemption has beengranted by the administration. The decision as to whether final exams are comprehensivewill be left to the discretion of each department.
- Each department will coordinate the style of testing for their courses, i.e. written, oral, projects, etc.
- All weighted class finals are 20% of the semester grade. All non-weighted class finalsare 10% of the semester grade.
- Testing will be administered over a time period approved by the administration. No final will be taken early without administrative approval.
Opting out of Finals
Students may be eligible to opt out of taking finals in some/all non (1.5) weighted classes. There are 3 areas in which a student needs to meet expectations to be allowed to opt out of a final: Academics, Attendance and Behavior. Students must meet criteria in all 3 areas to be eligible for opt-out.
- For each Proficient or Advanced score on the previous semester EOC tests (spring), a student may opt out of one final. Students must have a passing grade (60%) in the course the opt-out will be used. MAP Scores do not count for Freshmen students.
- If this expectation was not met, a student must - Not have a semester grade lower than 70% in the course opt-out will take place in.
- Student must have a 95%, or higher, attendance rate for the semester.
- Student must not have received any ISS or OSS during the semester.
Students who are eligible to opt out of finals may choose to take the final. If they choose to take thefinal, the score can only be used to help the student’s final grade and cannot hurt his/her final grade.
If a student chooses to opt out of the final and not attend school, the days missed WILL NOT countagainst a student’s cumulative attendance percentage.