An Important Message from the Food Service Director...
Free Lunches
While free meals for all students have been a welcome relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, these benefits have come to an end. When the Coronavirus pandemic hit, the federal government funded a program that allowed all students - even those who were not previously eligible - to receive free meals. However, recently they have declined to continue funding this program. This means all families will need to carry a positive balance in their child's school meal accounts to ensure that their students have the nutrition they need throughout the day to learn.
If you are feeling a little anxious about how your child will manage without a free lunch, don't worry. We've got you covered with some actions you can take now to make sure your child gets the meals they need.
Some Students Will Still Qualify, But You Must Take Action!
We encourage all families to fill out an application for free or reduced meal benefits as soon as possible. You can find a copy of this application on our website or contact your building secretary for help. The process is simple, but we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Learn more about this program here --> https://www.savannahr3.com/page/food-services
Lunch Deposits
Money may be deposited in a student's meal account through the TeacherEase parent portal. A check may also be brought to the front office or given to a cashier during breakfast meal service. Any checks sent to school with your child/children must be in an envelope with the child/children's name(s) and grade(s) clearly marked on the outside. Deposits will not be made into a student's meal account during lunch service time.
Lunch Menus
Menus can be found here on the district website, on our SR3 app, and can be printed on request. Please keep in mind that the menu is subject to change.
Al A Carte'/ Side-Line
Al A Carte` sales will be available to students at High and Middle Schools. Please note that the student MUST HAVE MONEY AVAILABLE IN THEIR TEACHEREASE MEAL ACCOUNT. Cashiers will not be accepting cash at the time of the transaction. (see lunch deposits)
Free & Reduced Lunch Forms
The Savannah School District needs families to fill out a Free and Reduced Application. This program provides critical funding to our schools and is not limited to just meals! Only one application is needed per family, not per student, so a family with students in multiple buildings doesn't need to worry about filling out more than one application. Qualifying families may also receive reduced athletic, extracurricular, and student activity fees and decreased ACT and SAT testing costs. This past year, qualifying families received lower household internet costs and help with certain medical bills. Please take the time to fill out an application and return it to your student's school building. Applications filled out completely and correctly will be processed, and families will be notified of eligibility.